This is what HOPE looks like.

A sunrise. Full of promise. Potential. A new day. . .

Hope has carried me through some very difficult days. Here are 50 things I’ve learned about this powerful attribute.

1.      HOPE is living in the unknown and not being freaked out by it.

2.      HOPE is sitting in uncertainty and dreaming about positive outcomes.

3.      HOPE stares at reality and dares it to change.

4.      HOPE spurs us to action.

5.      HOPE shows us the way forward.

6.      HOPE is seen in children.

7.      HOPE is always looking around the corner towards the light.

8.      HOPE sits in your imagination.

9.      HOPE lives in the heart.

10.   HOPE is seen in the faces of others.

11.   HOPE gives you energy to try something new.

12.   HOPE is where joy can be found.

13.   HOPE is a belief.

14.   HOPE is a belief in outcomes not yet seen.

15.   HOPE is a belief in possibilities.

16.   HOPE is a belief that things can get better.

17.   HOPE is not giving up when it seems like you should.

18.   HOPE is belief that something good will happen in the face of doubt.

19.   HOPE trusts in something more powerful than you to change bad into good.

20.   HOPE requires humility.

21.   HOPE is courageous.

22.   HOPE is contagious.

23.   HOPE should not be underestimated.

24.   HOPE is healing.

25.   HOPE is sustaining.

26.   HOPE can set our intention.

27.   HOPE gives you another day.

28.   HOPE looks up.

29.   HOPE requires faith.

30.   HOPE may defy the “experts”.

31.   HOPE knows you do not know everything.

32.   HOPE requires letting go.

33.   HOPE is universal.

34.   HOPE trusts the process.

35.   HOPE is part of the journey.

36.   HOPE is not limited by the past.

37.   HOPE will carry you through difficult days.

38.   HOPE is fuel for change.

39.   HOPE is motivation.

40.   HOPE opens our eyes.

41.   HOPE makes really crappy days bearable.

42.   HOPE can take a while to prove itself.

43.   HOPE is a superpower.

44.   HOPE is not a strategy . . . but then again, it can be.

45.   HOPE is not pie-in-the-sky “thinking”.

46.   HOPE is a spiritual practice.

47.   HOPE is dreaming.

48.   HOPE draws you forward.

49.   HOPE makes you smile.

50.   HOPE is something we all need.

HOPE is a powerful force.
