Make a HABIT of Enjoying the Moment

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Make a HABIT of Enjoying the Moment

You probably have heard someone recently say, “enjoy the present moment!” What is all this about anyway?

·        Does this mean I’m walking around with a goofy smile on my face all the time?

·        Does this mean I skip through fields of daisies?

·        Does this mean I’m spiritual?

·        Does this mean I’m a wackadoodle?

The short answer?


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Make a HABIT of Being on Time


Make a HABIT of Being on Time

Does anybody really know what time it is? Chicago

Well, . . . actually, we do. Our cell phones, computers, and watches connected to Wi-Fi, tell us exactly what time it is.



Make a HABIT of Being Enthusiastic


Make a HABIT of Being Enthusiastic

You could probably name the most enthusiastic person you know. What is it about them that is special? Where does their energy come from?

Enthusiasm is defined as intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Is this really a habit that can be developed?

There are several components to enthusiasm. Let’s look at those as we describe what a habit of enthusiasm might look like.


Make a HABIT of Embracing Change


Make a HABIT of Embracing Change

Change is inevitable. There is not one person on the planet who won’t experience it. Your body will change, the people around you will change, the weather will change, and ideas will change. Change is not always easy, but it can always be good. It will depend on what you do with it when it comes your way.


Good Habits ~ Good Life


Good Habits ~ Good Life

We all have habits. Do you know why that is? Our brains are programmed by making the same repeated choices. They turn things into a routine because it’s easier. It both saves energy and minimizes risk in your life.
